Free Items

When you place an order with us, you will be entitled to one free item for every five items purchased.

Please choose your free items from the products under this category.


Every order placed with us are entitled to one free item for every five items purchased.   Please choose and add your free items from the Free Items category at the top.  ONLY add one item for every 5 items purchased.  So if you buy 1 - 5 items, you qualify for 1 free item.  If you buy between 6 and 10 items, you qualify for 2 free items, and so on.  Also, you can only add ebooks as your free items if you've purchased ebooks.  If you haven't purchased an ebook you have to add your free item from the other categories under free items.  We will remove extra items if you add more than you qualify for.  You are ONLY entitled to a free item if you purchase from our website.

Your free items will only become available for download after we've received payment for your order.

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